
This is where I write about everything; typography, CSS, relationship drama, what I’m thinking about, and links to things that catch my eye.



  1. The computer is a feeling

    A trip to the Computer History Museum.

  2. Stop calling yourself an IC

    Pick your words kindly, carefully.

  3. Book Tour Simulator 2024

    Everywhere, there is kindness.

  4. Creativity is the byproduct of work

    It sure ain’t luck.

  5. Piranesi

    You must read it.

  6. Instability

    The web was not for them.

  7. Job Hoppin’

    That’s what the money is for.

  8. The New Alt Media

    Anil Dash on the future.

  9. A prototype of the future

    Jack Cheng on novels.

  10. Against Landlords

    A grave injustice, a social violence, a threat.

  11. Design interviews

    Maybe this helps.

  12. Sleepless in San Francisco

    What the fuck was up with the mosquito spray?

  13. Designing The Cascade

    A website about the past, present, and future of CSS.

  14. Longboarding

    More nudge, less shove.

  15. Good and useful writing

    Just heckin’ figure things out.

  16. E-essays

    And a vast, sprawling intelligence based on SEO.

  17. Indoor Kid

    Comic books as type specimens!

  18. Design is a process of getting stuck

    “You often solve the problem yourself in the process of writing it out.”

  19. Good Taste

    “Find your taste; everyone else will catch up eventually.”

  20. The Other Side

    And an inherent flaw in the system.

  21. :has roundup

    A million smart and handy examples.

  22. One endless meeting

    The hard part is building stuff, not making decisions.

  23. Keyboard-first apps

    100% keyboard-driven, baby!

  24. Is there a sane way to use the internet?

    What mediums do you want to be more like?

  25. The Murderbot Diaries

    “As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.”

  26. Be kind, be cool

    A few notes on design principles.

  27. The Elevator Test

    Baby thuds of progress.

  28. Mini Manifesto

    A mighty fine morning for a rant.

  29. A *New* Program for Graphic Design

    Now let’s get started.

  30. A unified theory of fucks

    “Work isn’t a thing that can love.”

  31. If it doesn’t ship, then it doesn’t count

    They have a job to do.

  32. Be loud about the things you love

    Louder, louder still.

  33. Resolutions are dumb

    And a freight train of progress.

  34. Hitched

    We took our vows and then bolted for the exit.

  35. 22 panels


  36. Jusant

    Just go play the darn thing.

  37. I am a poem I am not software

    And the boring corporate handshake.

  38. Figure it out

    Teach an anxious boy to fish, etc. etc.

  39. Stop Using AI-Generated Images


  40. People and Blogs

    A chat with Manuel Moreale.

  41. Nuform Type

    Man, the websites.

  42. Help is just help

    What am I hoping for?

  43. Cut the Intro

    We don’t need a manifesto.

  44. Design systems, color spaces, and CSS


  45. The Cascade

    Loving CSS in 2023 feels lonely.


    So many opportunities!

  47. Typographic Malaise

    I fear that I’ve seen everything that typography is capable of.

  48. Meta in Myanmar

    Neglicence and genocide.

  49. Meh

    Taking care in the face of apathy.

  50. Metra Ticket Gallery

    Weak in the knees.

  51. Kobo Libra 2

    It’s the closest thing we’ve got.

  52. v13

    I will redesign my website today just to spite you.

  53. A lot of stuff is just fine.

    “…you really gotta try to screw up a website”

  54. Processing painful work exits

    How to cope when your job explodes.

  55. Why are websites embarrassing?

    I don’t even trust the back button any more.

  56. A Bar at the Folies-Bergère

    “Art does not progress by improving what came before…”

  57. Type Revival for Film & TV

    Even a resume can be punk as hell.

  58. Where the gaps are

    Take care of your portfolio and it’ll take care of you.

  59. Marmite Defontes

    Piggle, Puff, and Snacks.

  60. Shufflin’

    A new website (again).

  61. brr

    The strange and curious doors of Antarctic stations.

  62. Dark mode in the ancient world

    …on pages dyed a deep, bluish black.

  63. On successor states and websites

    All it takes is one jerk.

  64. Writing Tools

    Ending things with a thud!

  65. Guide Guide

    Make complex grid systems real easy.

  66. What’s Next?

    What do I want from a new gig?

  67. These Handsome Young Men

    And the warmth of Morse code and folded letters.

  68. Parallax

    A thousand galaxies, drifting by.

  69. Seven Gigabytes

    “The ultimate zip file.”

  70. Update

    New day, new website.

  71. Typography is a service, not an art

    Take off your typographic monocle.

  72. The Risks of Staying Put

    “…just because a situation is familiar doesn’t mean it’s the best that you can do.”

  73. The Linotype Book Project

    The Linotype Book Project deserves all your emoji.

  74. To-do

    A book is an endless list.

  75. Offsite

    Bad work kills great teams.

  76. View Transitions API

    How does this change web design in the future?

  77. Handwriting Fonts For Lo-Fi Design

    Handwriting fonts are the definition of punk rock.

  78. Layers

    Layers of complimentary vibrations!

  79. The Next Great Impasse

    The Next Great Impasse is always just as big and as terrifying as the last one.

  80. The details element is amazing

    The fifth planet in the solar system.

  81. Syntax × Sentry

    “…your cool neighborhood dive bar.”

  82. Counter-space

    I need to see the counter-space.

  83. The Mountain in the Sea

    The world still contains miracles, despite everything that has been done to it.

  84. Time Control

    This is not the way to do great work.

  85. 1,799

    What the hell am I doing?

  86. Your reading should be messy

    That is what a book is for.

  87. The venture capitalist’s dilemma

    “Venture capital may be the best way to serve the interests of capital, but we need to consider alternative models that prioritize the interests of people.”

  88. Artificial Guessing

    AI is a mirror, AI is a prison.

  89. Tech-last

    If you ever want to build anything substantial then the tech has to come last.

  90. An end to typographic widows on the web

    Coming to a CSS near you.

  91. I don’t want to log in to your website

    I really don’t.

  92. Investing in RSS

    “…an investment in myself.”

  93. The Brink

    Read for joy and joy alone.

  94. The Writing of the Gods

    The word “snake” consists of five signs, and three of them are snakes.

  95. Vibe Driven Development

    It’s all about the vibes, man.

  96. Notes from a decade in publishing

    “Read books, write books, repeat. That’s the deal.”

  97. The Curse of Academy Engraved LET

    And the fonts that cannot die.

  98. CSS Nesting

    The perfect kind of upgrade to a language you can make.

  99. “These Don’t Shuffle”

    And how to impress yourself at 16.

  100. The best time to own a domain

    “Owning a domain is like planting a tree…”

  101. Shift Happens Livestream

    Mark your calendars!

  102. Notes On Hypertext

    I want my website to permanently feel like the wilderness.

  103. Container Queries and Typography

    The end of an era.

  104. The Book Cover Review

    The Book Cover Review looks great.

  105. Grumble Time

    “Money could not buy a better grumbling outfit.”

  106. The Case of the Golden Idol

    Pick your suspect, deduce the motive, unmask the awful truth.

  107. labour of love

    Work worthy of obsession.

  108. Fragments

    “Old-fashioned, unwanted, and ultimately obsolete.”

  109. Shift Happens

    A fabulous book about typewriters.

  110. The Year in Words

    What I should push towards and what I ought to run away from.

  111. How to Distort Text with SVG Filters

    And the design opportunities after a typeface has been chosen.

  112. Moving Timelines

    Cool daffodils and micro-blogs.

  113. Style Queries are Mind Boggling

    CSS is getting weird now.

  114. ;

    I was sent from hell to ruin their lives.

  115. IndieKit

    Take control of the printing press.

  116. Novelist as a Vocation

    And letting time pass over your work.

  117. An Internet of Zines

    Arc is already real nice but it’s easy to see the future.

  118. The Last Walk

    I struggle to keep my voice steady, I struggle to say the words.

  119. Design is Politics

    Chaos might be a ladder, but design sure ain’t.

  120. Typographica Turns 20

    One of the finest typographic resources on the www.

  121. Late Night Tinkering

    Also, duh, Eleventy is great.

  122. 2,392 days

    And a moment that requires patience.

  123. Moving is not failure

    Everything is in boxes now.

  124. Aegir

    Extremely, impossibly, fantastically good.

  125. The Art of Passive Aggressive Copywriting

    Everything is a little too pleasant, a little too nice.

  126. The Timeline is the Problem

    Of frontiers yet seen.

  127. Food and Sleep: III

    You can do better than this.

  128. Music for a Plague

    Foreboding, nightmarish, unforgettable.

  129. Strategic and necessary

    Kindness is strategic and necessary.

  130. Fake Work

    The machines should toil for us.

  131. Monarch

    Perhaps he knew of things much worse.

  132. The Right Kind of Attention

    I will ascend to Valhalla!

  133. Take a Break You Idiot

    I need to hit the emergency break.

  134. Prototyping, prototyping, prototyping

    Prototyping is moving.

  135. The Other Internet

    And how to break free from the grift.

  136. The Food Issue

    A magazine and a type specimen.

  137. Take Care of Your Blog

    Everything is worthy of your blog.

  138. The Tale of the Third Finger Scan

    A racist, colossal bureaucracy designed just for me.

  139. How Not To Make A Book

    How do you publish an independent book in 2022?

  140. TKTKTK

    How to write like the wind.

  141. Magnet

    Ready to push and pull.

  142. I Don’t Believe in Sprints

    Sorry, I have opinions again.

  143. Comparing Book-Printing Services

    Show me the fairest of them all.

  144. Alphabettes

    Joyous! Joyous, I say!

  145. MD System

    Narrow, condensed, and better than ever.

  146. My home on the web

    World Wide Welp.

  147. Work ethics

    Great work vs. hard graft.

  148. Close-looking

    The less strange it seems.

  149. Snark Pass

    Getting in the way of a story well told.

  150. All the things a blog post can be

    Grief-stricken, middling, sore and sullen.

  151. About the Redesign

    Let the blogging begin!

  152. Fairy Tales

    “Fairy tales are more than true. Not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated.”

  153. Olympus

    The gods will not save you.

  154. Media Query Ranges

    A rant about CSS media queries.

  155. TypeMedia 2021

    And a year of curious letterforms.

  156. Livewired

    Beware the cortical takeover.

  157. Happy in the Second

    “I am going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season!”

  158. Every Photograph from Shadows

    Shadows, shadows, shadows.

  159. The Great Fiction of AI

    Writing, aritificial intelligence, and divination.

  160. The Future

    And a new typeface by Kris Sowersby.

  161. In Praise of Shadows

    And the FujiFilm X100V.

  162. A playground, a wellspring

    DevTools is a dead end.

  163. We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse

    Abortion as a precondition for justice.

  164. Late night website work

    And the art of being extremely online.

  165. The Smallest CSS

    And 15 lines of CSS.

  166. Framer CMS

    Who the what the when the wah?

  167. The Week of Too Many Things

    Because I am a bowl of cold pudding.

  168. Optical Size And Variable Fonts

    Autopilot no control.

  169. Interconnected

    And the world of Elden Ring.

  170. Infamy

    Or, why not to be famous.

  171. Typeface 3

    And the best new way to manage your fonts.

  172. I wish I could control CSS scroll-snap with Javascript

    Or, I hate arrows on websites.

  173. Trust

    Or a rant about the stack.

  174. Attention and Email

    A request, not a demand.

  175. Taking Shortcuts

    And holding your blog real close.

  176. Church Going

    And a fine, deckle edge.

  177. Blogging and the heat death of the universe

    Or the place that all websites go.

  178. Home Sweet Homepage

    An illustrated essay.

  179. Everything I Know About Life I Learned from Powerpoint

    And your least rambly self.

  180. Ego and Design

    We type like hell, and hope that the typing will make us heroes.

  181. Black Mesa

    Half Life redesigned and reimagined.

  182. Thanks Doc

    Copy and paste all compliments.

  183. An Ode to CSS-Tricks

    And endless thanks.

  184. 36 Days of Type

    And the work of Alisa Burzic.

  185. The Sound I Left Behind

    Violins and pianos all the way.

  186. Draft no.4

    Complain to your mother.

  187. Two Years of Mass-Driver

    Rutherford Craze breaks down the last two years of his type foundry.

  188. The Parthenon Sculptures

    A handsome comic book in marble.

  189. An incoherent rant about design systems

    What your design system is and isn’t.

  190. Return

    He’s back.

  191. Webster’s 1913

    “...a powerful engine; a powerful argument; a powerful light; a powerful vessel”

  192. You’re probably using the wrong dictionary

    “The destination is the dictionary.”

  193. The Sandwich

    Sweet, I must say, Christ.

  194. Promotion

    I am on track. Success. Eggs!

  195. I Trawl the Megahertz

    Tell the stars I’m coming.

  196. The difference between correct-ness and useful-ness in a design system

    Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.

  197. Like Clockwork

    It’s one of the many things I love about C.

  198. British & Exotic Mineralogy

    And Nicholas Rougeaux’s extraordinary work.

  199. Escape

    And a family of bubblists.

  200. My anti-resume

    Writing every day is an apple.

  201. Software is a Gift

    Open source software, at least.

  202. A New Thing

    For a new year.

  203. CSS and Momentum

    This was the best year for CSS yet.

  204. The Future Is Not Only Useless, It’s Expensive

    And the problem with NFTs.

  205. Care for the Text

    How do you make a website great?

  206. The Sexism of CSS

    And how it haunts our industry.

  207. End of Year Thoughts 2021

    I really, really like this.

  208. Vectro Type



    And a book about browsers.

  210. The Writers We Thought We Were

    George Saunders and how to avoid writing like anyone else.

  211. Type Specimen As Essay

    And the design behind Retail.

  212. I Love Typography

    And their ever-so-good font catalogue.

  213. Teranoptia

    What the absolute what.

  214. The Crane Wife

    If you want to save a species…

  215. Tilt

    A curious type family by Andy Clymer.

  216. Books, Money, and Accessibility

    Or a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

  217. Who is web3 for?

    And some notes on the Web History podcast.

  218. Design Systems Metrics

    What signals would we need to see a design system clearly?

  219. What Does a Good Design System Feel Like?

    When the whole system begins to make sense in your mind.

  220. A Web Browser Built for Me

    Anarchy in the UK.

  221. This House of Lovely Secrets

    👀 👀 👀

  222. Unlimited Sand and Money Still Won’t Save the Hamptons

    And empty mansions on the shore.

  223. Occupant Oldstyle

    A new type family from Occupant Fonts.

  224. Spacing and Sci-Fi

    And the design of MD Nichrome.

  225. Weird Browsers

    Wrote a little thing for the CSS-Tricks newsletter.

  226. White Tears and the OP-1

    Or, how to sample ghosts.

  227. The Manual of Diacritics

    Words fail to make sense without them.

  228. Punctuation in novels

    Look at the array of dots and dashes!

  229. Things Learned Blogging

    Momentum and the cursed rewrite.

  230. Why Is Every Young Person in America Watching ‘The Sopranos’?

    “...a humiliating, slow-motion slide down a hill into a puddle of filth.”

  231. Experimental Variable Fonts

    And why they’re not so experimental.

  232. From the distance of this website

    What you see here isn’t me

  233. Climate Change Is the New Dot-Com Bubble

    And a mid-life crisis.

  234. Packing My Library

    Alberto Manguel on loss.

  235. Keeping Track

    Spreadsheets and publishing.

  236. Epicene design information

    New fonts, new essay.

  237. Money Stuff


  238. MÖRK BORG

    What the who.

  239. Blunder

    How do I make my life messier?

  240. Our Fury Over Abortion Was Dismissed for Decades As Hysterical

    And when the organizing happens in earnest.

  241. Moiré no more

    Marcin summons FFT.

  242. Ugh

    New books, new friends.

  243. Bay Curious

    A great lil podcast.

  244. The Power of a Link

    A quick note about hyperlinks.

  245. Our Impatience Is Worth Billions

    And the moment you feel trapped in.

  246. Mars After Midnight

    Lucas Pope is blogging about his latest game and hell yes it is good.

  247. An Ode to BART

    Oh what a beautiful thing.

  248. The Healing Power of JavaScript

    Or how blogging is an act of stewardship.

  249. MD Nichrome

    A damn fine typeface by Mass-Driver.

  250. Text on a Curve

    Nick Sherman’s neat flickr group.

  251. Sentry Hackweek 2021

    And a particularly dumb video.

  252. The Annosphere

    A sundial that works without the sun.

  253. How Not To Be A Jerk

    Sweet christ.

  254. Redesign: The Source of Truth

    And the future loss of all those images.

  255. Redesign: Everything Broke

    Astro was harder to work with than I first thought.

  256. Stress Systems.

    Ethan on design systems and stress.

  257. Does this work?

    It most certainly does not.

  258. Back to the Future with RSS

    Nicky Case on the potential of RSS.

  259. Crease

    And the boy of boys.

  260. Redesign: Content Migration


  261. Why is file manipulation so hard?

    Make the computer meet me where I am.

  262. Redesign: Moving to Astro

    Sorry in advance.

  263. Redesign: Measure Once

    Let’s talk about the measure.

  264. Designing in Public

    Delete the CSS.

  265. Omens

    Why is my jaw clamping up like this?

  266. Timefulness

    A novel about Deep Time by the geologist Marcia Bjornerud.

  267. Just link!

    A link for a newsletter.

  268. The web is too damn complex

    A few more thoughts on Astro and the web.

  269. It’s a beautiful day to stay inside

    I need a new project.

  270. The Secret (and Very Important) History of the U.S. Solar Industry

    Robinson Meyer and the problem with how folks see technology.

  271. Old Place, New Place, Reef

    On moving to our first home.

  272. Invincible

    How can we love the people who hurt us the most?

  273. Everything that books ought to be

    Hardcover books suck. There, I said it.

  274. Be a Big Fan

    Chris Coyier on turning 40.

  275. From way out here

    And the color of that blue.

  276. Animal Crossing

    A wondrous album by Emily Hopkins.

  277. Marvel Superhero Lettering

    Gah, so good.

  278. The Cage

    And trying to escape the algorithm.

  279. Power and the workplace

    And why we must unionize.

  280. The Return of the Blogroll

    And memories of desk rummaging.

  281. Is CSS a Programming Language?

    “Respect is in order, no matter what any of us come to for an answer.”

  282. Sentry Alerts

    An exciting update to Sentry.

  283. Anti-SEO

    And the praise of a search engine deity.

  284. Mercure

    A typeface designed by Charles Mazé.

  285. What the Redesign

    How do I prevent future problems?

  286. One of those photographs

    And at just the right moment he looks at the camera.

  287. Don’t think like a database

    Pretend it isn’t there

  288. Everyone in the world is just an email away

    And figuring out the web.

  289. Puffin and Puffin Arcade

    Neat new fonts from Bold Monday.

  290. How To Be Hopeless

    “The only means of fighting a plague is common decency.”

  291. Monitor 404s with Sentry

    And how to set up an alert to shout at you.


    Blogging as easy as email.

  293. Fonts in Focus: Louche

    An upright italic? Huh, okay. Sure.

  294. Neglect and the Shepard-Risset glissando

    Or, the guilt of being worthy.

  295. Okay, sue me!

    Sentence by sentence.

  296. The Art of Typewriting


  297. Here, I am king

    A shockingly beautiful thing by Jason Farago.

  298. All I Want

    And the good days.

  299. The Loves of Achilles

    The lost play of Sophocles.

  300. Patterned

    A lightweight puzzle game.

  301. Style Check

    And being late to the party.

  302. How Not to Write a Book

    An experimental newsletter.

  303. The incredible boxes of Hock Wah Yeo

    A fabulous piece about videogame box design.

  304. The Amazing Solution for Almost Nothing

    And the market for magic.

  305. A Year Without Books

    And yet, and yet.

  306. Every website is a gift

    ...only to make someone you love smile.

  307. The Great Bonfire at the End of Time


  308. Blogging and Dimly Lit Bars

    Oh to be called a bastard by a writer you admire whilst hovering over drinks in a dimly lit bar.

  309. Did you know about the :has CSS selector?

    A fancy new parent selector that might be coming to CSS (eventually, maybe)

  310. Join the Sentry Design Team

    We’re looking for a UI engineer.

  311. Hookshot

    Heck yeah software.

  312. Building Dark Mode

    1% better every day.

  313. Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999

    James Acaster’s latest standup.

  314. RSS, Focus, and Attention

    I love RSS because of how it focuses my attention...

  315. The American Rescue Plan

    And a government to be proud of.

  316. Putting Landsat 8’s Bands to Work

    Here’s a picture of LA...

  317. Click, click, click

    Constant improvement and momentum.

  318. Websites? Wobsites. Wibsits!

    Lucy and I chat about websites, writing, online dating, and Miss Piggy.

  319. Tulip Mania

    All he saw was a pyramid and his own place within it.

  320. Crypto art

    “The only viable option is total moral rejection”

  321. Escape Bias

    And the biggest threat to great design.

  322. The Arch of Honor

    A woodblock illustration made by Albrecht Dürer in 1515.

  323. Inheritance

    Donny Trương asks about the future of his website.

  324. New CSS Tricks and Design Engineers

    The front-of-the-what?

  325. Pointing at things

    Point at things, say whoa, and elaborate.

  326. Exquisite kestrels disappear

    Lewis Mcguffie on type design and scale.

  327. Why I still use RSS

    RSS and the Sexy Mystery Distance.

  328. Carry Yourself Lightly

    And an unexpected email.

  329. How lucky we are

    John Boardley on the history of posters and illustration.

  330. The new reading stack

    Merging books with the web.

  331. Hygiene Theater Is Still a Huge Waste of Time

    Always blame the boss.

  332. The Hardest Thing to Measure

    Just wake up earlier, you poor idiots.

  333. Foundation

    The Society of the Double Dagger returns!

  334. Running a Successful Membership Program

    And the half-finished, excitable huhs.

  335. Indeterminacy

    Am I writing in service of my reader?

  336. The Arrow Type Blog

    Here’s one for your RSS feeds.

  337. What is Bigotry?

    Contrapoints and the orbital laser cannon.

  338. The Art of Whaling

    Equal parts remarkable and horrifying.

  339. Hijack

    His voice is gone and the world is better for it.

  340. The Unknown Sea

    Alberto Manguel on the volatility of the Web.

  341. Season 3

    Adventures is back, baby!

  342. Descript

    A remarkable little app.

  343. Accessibility Weekly

    A nifty newsletter about the web.

  344. ...and by islands I mean paragraphs

    A scrolly map thing by J. R. Carpenter

  345. Katy’s Book Bloggin’ Setup

    Katy Decorah’s book review system.

  346. Peak Bullshit

    Jon Lovett’s commencement speech

  347. Preventing the Collapse of Civilization

    Frameworks on top of frameworks.

  348. Is Substack the Media Future We Want?

    Yes and No.

  349. Etna

    A new typefamily from Mark Simonson.

  350. The Catalogue of Broken Hearts

    Bury you heroes because they will disappoint you.

  351. Books for Winter

    What is your favorite book to sit next to a fire with?

  352. The Iliad and the Odyssey

    Alberto Manguel on “the idea of Homer.”

  353. My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge

    A library and a puddle.

  354. We’re looking for a designer

    Join us!

  355. Ice Breaker

    And all the music that must be set free.

  356. Why the web is such a mess

    Tom Scott on advertising and the web.

  357. The literary life of Octavia E. Butler

    A life, a story, a map.

  358. It’s Time to Hunker Down

    When the loneliness kicks and bites.

  359. I Was Tough, Now I’m Needy

    Tolerate your self-hatred.

  360. The Bad-Yet-Daring Things We Do

    And that one delirious summer.

  361. Front-end Bloggin’

    Some things I’ve written for CSS-Tricks lately.

  362. Begin Again

    Eddie Glaude’s excellent book about James Baldwin and who we really are.

  363. Impress Yourself

    The twist about to be turned.

  364. Voting is Not Enough

    And what to do next.

  365. Prop 22

    And why it’s devastating.

  366. Random Button

    And a few small website fixes.

  367. Writing about Typography

    Abandon the academic style.

  368. The Weekly Planet

    A newsletter by Robinson Meyer.

  369. Some Things I Have Consumed This Week

    A list, a tragedy, an apology.

  370. Night Owl

    And shouting at friends until they blog.

  371. Accessibility is for Everyone

    And my beautiful horse, Sebastian.

  372. Cool +1

    And the legend of the 6 foot tall puddle.

  373. Signals

    And how I might help.

  374. The Future of Frontend

    A virtual event from Sentry.

  375. Why does this design crit hurt?

    And why do I always have to be the hero?

  376. Verifying Large Refactors

    And a nifty Sentry tip.

  377. People Problems

    And the art of being obnoxious.

  378. The least interesting thing

    You are not your job.

  379. The case for rereading

    Mandy Brown and the Thought of Thoughts, the Thing of Things.

  380. Good work doesn’t look good


  381. Autonomy and Hong Kong

    And the promise made.

  382. On the design systems between us

    And avoiding the rabbit holes.

  383. Web Apps Are Not A Thing, Please Stop

    And building a Web for us all.

  384. Everything is a Story

    Just never let go.

  385. Jazz Musician Lettering

    Reagan Ray’s lettering work is lovely.

  386. Less homework! More fun!

    And the art of writing a newsletter.

  387. Blot

    A cute and simple blogging platform.

  388. Organizing as a Machine

    And keeping that machine well-oiled.

  389. RBG

    Who are “We the People”?

  390. Don’t Be A Hero

    Advice for everything.

  391. Huh

    Here’s a weird bug.

  392. Retweet but do not read

    And what most writing has become.

  393. Fighting with a Smile

    And avoiding cynicism like hell.

  394. Design Vlogs

    An archive of everything I’m working on.

  395. Pop Music / False B-Sides II

    The latest album from Baths.

  396. The Money-Bail System is Racist

    How do we destroy it?

  397. Subnautica

    And the art of doing small things.

  398. The Phone of the Wind

    And dealing with grief.

  399. Risk

    A pile of safety and kindness.

  400. Foghorn

    I need something new.

  401. Don’t draw the UI, draw the priority

    And the work of design.

  402. The Right Number

    Lucy Bellwood’s hotline.

  403. The Thing with Leading in CSS

    And a micro-rant about styling on the web.

  404. The Radium Craze

    And deliberate technology choices.

  405. Signs of a Toxic Workplace

    Okay, so maybe I’m not over it yet.

  406. A Rocket-Powered Jumbo Jet

    Design crits, fucking up, and the iPad Pro.

  407. Cover stars

    Henning Lederer’s fabulous animated covers

  408. An Astronomical Clunk

    And extraordinary luck.

  409. A Lighthouse, A Man, A City

    And the false utopia.

  410. The DNC

    There is far too much work to do.

  411. Oh! What a Joyous Thing

    Context-switching and design.


    A remarkable website.

  413. Hypercards

    Faffing about with cards on the web.

  414. Aglet Mono

    Jesse Ragan’s latest monospace.

  415. The Past is Not Dead and Can Never Die

    Clint Smith’s journey to Talbot County, Maryland.

  416. How would I improve RSS?

    Matt Webb’s notes and The OmniBlog.

  417. Profits ≠ Economy

    And the myth of the GOP.

  418. That Blessed Destination

    President Obama’s eulogy for John Lewis.

  419. Tokyo Train Station Stamps

    I wonder if I can make a similar effect with SVG filters...

  420. Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation

    John Lewis’s final speech.

  421. A Problem of Trust

    The virus has found other forms of weakness.

  422. A website is an essay

    And how to fight the modern web.

  423. No one is above grief

    Jon Lovett on the passing of John McCain.

  424. The Color of Law

    Richard Rothstein’s book on segregation.

  425. Capacity

    Am I cut out for this gig?

  426. LfA Aluminia

    A typefamily from the Letterform Archive.

  427. Bias is Inevitable

    Dora Chan on conducting user interviews.

  428. Performance Monitoring

    A new feature from Sentry.

  429. Colorful Headings

    And a bit of typography advice.

  430. Wear a Mask

    A walk, a rant, a website.

  431. Reply links in RSS feeds

    Jonnie Hallman’s idea for improving RSS entries.

  432. The Strange Cultural Force of the Book Deal

    Anne Trubek’s newsletter is a grand little thing.

  433. A feature, not a bug

    The consequences of the federal aid program.

  434. Momentum

    An audio ramble about vulnerability and writing.

  435. Design is not about solving problems

    And seeing far too much of yourself in the work.

  436. Everything is the thing

    A short note about mmhmm.

  437. Sloanstarter

    Robin Sloan and the fine art of the webvella.

  438. Nichrome

    A display face by Mass-Driver.

  439. Letter from Birmingham Jail

    A beautifully typeset version of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter.

  440. Variable Fonts Experiments

    Mandy Michael’s work in this area is so great.

  441. How I Became a Police Abolitionist

    Derecka Purnell on why she changed her mind.

  442. War is a force that gives us meaning

    Chris Hedges writes about the myth of war.

  443. Confronting yourself

    Ignoring our mistakes will only make things worse.

  444. Maps and Spreadsheets

    And how to work on a design systems project.

  445. Women In Music Pt.III

    HAIM’s latest album is so damn good it’s embarrassing.

  446. Design Is [Multicultural]

    Senongo Akpem on cultural norms and diversity.

  447. Being vulnerable in public

    Would those replies be kind?

  448. Raiders

    Steven Soderbergh’s edit of Raiders of the Lost Arc

  449. Utopia for Realists

    Rutger Bregman’s notes on a kinder future.

  450. Volume A

    Is this a good idea?

  451. The Punk Rock Essay Machine

    Yet another vitally important critique of the Kindle.

  452. So You Want to Talk About Race

    Ijeoma Oluo’s ever-so-excellent book.

  453. Out of Reach

    Ellen Ullman and the giant cosmic Frisbee.

  454. In Praise of the Walking Coffee

    You are the master of your destiny.

  455. Homesick

    I just miss it all like hell.

  456. Remember My Song

    This album by Labi Siffre is wonderful.

  457. Dream Wiki

    I have no idea what this is but I love it all the same.

  458. The Lonely City

    And having failed to make contact.

  459. Subtle Optical Phenomenons

    Or, the Überstrahlung.

  460. Shout shout shout

    And being patient with yourself.

  461. 8 minutes and 46 seconds

    Dave Chappelle and the murder of George Floyd.

  462. 2D Websites

    Why are people worried about being weird on the Internet?

  463. Between the Third and Fifth Apology

    And starting therapy again.

  464. 8 to Abolition

    And the end of the police.

  465. This Extraordinary Being

    And the Fire Next Time.

  466. 41 Shots

    A heartbreaking live performance by Living Colour.

  467. Growing and Learning

    What I’m learning during the quarantine

  468. The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action

    Audre Lorde and why silence doesn’t work.

  469. The Apparatus

    The other-thing that I one day hope to see.

  470. Wanted everyone to feel welcome

    Counting the lives of 100,000 people.

  471. Newsletters vs. Ye Olde Blog

    I have nothing to type in this field, go away.

  472. Text for Proofing Fonts

    Jonathan Hoefler on the art of type design and pangrams.

  473. Lubalin’s Logotypes

    A website dedicated to Herb Lubalin.

  474. Another use case for variable fonts

    What if we combined multiple type families together?

  475. Blogging should be easy

    Did this work?

  476. Notes about product design

    I am growing and learning, okay?

  477. Unlearning the UI

    And how to forget about border-radius.

  478. Everything Is Embarrassing

    “Is that guy going to apologize again?”

  479. The Myth of No Effort

    “Seattle is not trying to be contented. It’s doing this other, crazier thing. It’s trying to impress Tokyo.”

  480. Hyperbolic Time Chamber v.3


  481. Seraph

    A variable font family from Bernd Volmer.

  482. Hyperbolic Time Chamber v.2


  483. Let’s all wear a mask

    It’s the kindest thing to do.

  484. Planet Hearth

    The latest album from Calibre.

  485. An interview with Ted Chiang

    “And the world is forever changed.”

  486. Visa acquired!


  487. I need a hobby, do not read this one

    You have been warned.

  488. Hyperbolic Time Chamber v.1

    I am growing and learning.

  489. Ghosts V–VI

    And treating music like a job.

  490. GT Type catalogue

    In the words of Luigi, “wowie zowie!”

  491. Norse Mythology

    Neil Gaiman’s collection of short stories.

  492. The world’s copyright system is broken


  493. Further than we’ve ever walked

    “Absolutely halcyon days. Perfect.”

  494. Dept. of Enthusiasm

    A newsletter from JB.

  495. The one about the thing

    Dammit, I can’t focus.

  496. Anxious punk rock web design

    Eff the footer, and eff the clicks.

  497. Why is CSS frustrating?

    Ask me one about fonts.

  498. Things we left in the old web

    And what we can learn from websites past.

  499. Castlevania

    Warren Ellis’s latest comic-book-shaped thing.

  500. Writing and lightness

    Robin Sloan, and each and every kind of writing.

  501. On Writing

    Stephen King is a jerk.

  502. fraidycat

    Kicks Condor has made a new tool to read the web.

  503. H Is for Hawk

    I am late to the party.

  504. The Inertia of Bad Ideas

    And how to use that delete key.

  505. Who the fuck is Guy Debord?

    The problem is often hard to spot.

  506. RSS favorites

    How to make a list of your favorites from Feedbin.

  507. Agile as Trauma

    Dorain Taylor on software development.

  508. Craig Mod on Membership

    An honest look at Craig’s paid membership program.

  509. People > Process

    Paul Robert Lloyd on improving the software building process.

  510. Why Software is Slow and Shitty

    Spoilers! It’s because of the way in which companies are organized.

  511. Redesigning in public

    And how to make a blog.

  512. CWRU2K

    Eric Meyer and the joke that got him in big trouble.

  513. How to be an open source gardener

    And how to care for the community.

  514. The empty promises of Marie Kondo and the craze for minimalism

    And the infrastructure we cannot see.

  515. Start with the drama

    The only writing tip worth paying attention to.

  516. “Link in Bio” is a Slow Knife

    Anil Dash on hyperlinks and social networks.

  517. The Birth of a Nation

    And making a thing for no reason at all.

  518. The Measure of Success

    What does success really look like?

  519. The Hiding Place

    Robert McFarlane and the dangers of radioactive waste.

  520. Teaching CSS

    Rachel Andrew on learning the language.

  521. The Quiet Redesign

    And how to improve things bit by bit.

  522. End of year optimism

    A collection of thoughts from the CSS-Tricks community.

  523. O

    What the fuck am I doing?

  524. The Smallest Difference

    And the small wonder of OpenType fonts.

  525. Improving my workflow

    An Alfred workflow to help me blog faster.

  526. Stab a Book, the Book Won’t Die

    And why our attention is precious.

  527. Start a newsletter

    And how you can help your design system today.

  528. Chip on your shoulder

    And how to be a terrible writer.

  529. The Dashboard Problem

    Or, why good product design is impossible.

  530. Quitting Analytics

    And why data can go to hell.

  531. The Absurdity of the Nobel Prizes in Science

    And how science really works.

  532. Getting the easy stuff right

    The secret to a happy life.

  533. Products and platforms

    And why a design system is not a product.

  534. Take your broken heart and blog

    Or maybe don’t?

  535. Food and Sleep: II

    And the art of fucking things up.

  536. Source code

    And the mystery of Jake’s height.

  537. Resistant to data

    And why you can’t measure a design system.

  538. Imposter syndrome

    And why maybe you haven’t experienced it either.

  539. Sick systems

    And how to keep someone with you forever.

  540. Irony doesn’t scale

    Paul Ford on becoming a manager.

  541. The Singularity Already Happened; We Got Corporations

    Tim Maly on the devil we fear versus the one we face.

  542. The Box

    And learning to think inside it.

  543. Sticks and Ropes

    Dave Rupert on the art of kindness.

  544. Owning the Archive

    Making a new home for Adventures.

  545. Baseline

    Performance and accessibility are not features.

  546. What do you wish you had known about engineering before getting started?

    A question, a rant.

  547. A Vacuum of Courage

    And how to build an effective org.

  548. To Move Without Latency

    Performance is not a feature.

  549. The Success of Many Days

    And the result of 3 years of refactoring.

  550. That Feeling of Rebellion

    And the inability to say yes.

  551. Confidence and Berry Glen

    I am a tough and confident boy.

  552. Vulf Sans

    The new type family by OhNo Type Co.

  553. Partners in Crime

    Software development is all wrong.

  554. A Vacancy Has Been Detected

    A story about empathy in software design.

  555. Census Stories

    To find Agnes Parrott in Angoon, Alaska...

  556. Every Layout

    And how to build common layouts with CSS.

  557. The New Wilderness

    The surveillance economy and the environment.

  558. Nobody really owns product work

    When you work on a big product, people are going to continuously replace your work.

  559. The Rise and Demise of RSS

    Where did it all go?

  560. The Careful Work

    I want a new kind of work.

  561. The World Wide Work

    Ethan Marcotte’s talk at New Adventures is wonderful.

  562. Eleventy and Netlify

    Oh boy was it a dream.

  563. In Defense of a Difficult Industry

    “I’ve made a mistake, a lifelong one, correlating advancements in technology with progress.”

  564. Hey

    Hi. Hello.

  565. Wait, what is my job again?

    Ugh, whatever.

  566. Against metrics: how measuring performance by numbers backfires

    Measuring people is a really bad idea.

  567. End of an Era

    Anna Wiener on Twitter and the legacy of Jack.

  568. To hell, to hell...

    Boris Strugatsky’s afterword to his perfect sci-fi novel.

  569. Design, system.

    And fighting for the middle ground.

  570. Getting to the bottom of line height in Figma

    “The history of web design can be seen as a set of tensions...”

  571. Pairing is the key to evangelizing your design system

    It’s perhaps the most underrated aspect of design systems work I’ve read about.

  572. Isolationism

    Don’t be sorry. Be angry.

  573. Some Unsolicited Newsletter Advice

    Punctuation and grammar be damned.

  574. The Day the Dinosaurs Died

    And the oldest murder mystery on the planet.

  575. Performance and Behavior

    What would happen if every website was lightning fast?

  576. Delirious in London

    Huh? Where am I?

  577. You need front-end engineers

    There, I said it.

  578. This One Technology Will Solve All of Your Problems

    Kelly Sutton’s argument against following the latest trends is a damn good one.

  579. The Harmony of the System

    And the civil war that rages in the codebase.

  580. 1% Better

    And gathering momentum.

  581. Building a UI Kit in Figma

    A few notes on how we built the UI Kit at Gusto.

  582. Roadside Picnic

    Arkady and Boris Strugatsky’s weird and wonderful novel.

  583. Invisible Cities

    And how to see the inferno.

  584. The Black Triangle

    And how to build things the right way.

  585. The hardest thing about design systems

    And a note on drop shadows.

  586. The Design System You Already Have

    The distinction between “a designed system” and “design systems” is an important one to make.

  587. Type Choice, Political Choice

    And the work of monsters.

  588. Good is better than perfect

    Especially when it comes to blogs.

  589. Amazon Chronicles

    Tim Carmody’s newsletter is as charming and brilliant as you might expect.

  590. The Boring Designer

    And some half-assed thoughts on Apex Legends.

  591. Consensus in design systems

    And learning how difficult this job truly is.

  592. Gregor

    He wants his dang CDs back.

  593. A Thousand Ships

    And those big blue eyes.

  594. Pedantry

    Talking down instead of talking up.

  595. The Least Harm

    And a good reckon.

  596. The Argument against Centrism

    And a nation of kindness.

  597. Arguing in Public

    Design systems and making things 1% better every day.

  598. The Allusionist

    And how English deserves our love but not our worry.

  599. 20,000 Days on Earth

    And a note about the weather.

  600. The Best Debugging Story I’ve Ever Heard

    Patience and discipline and coffee.

  601. The Great Divide

    And the growing rift in the field of web design.

  602. The Slip

    And all the loves mismanaged.

  603. The Sisters Brothers

    This place is in favor of me.

  604. Writing software together

    The art of writing software in a group is underrated.

  605. Women and Power

    My first book of 2019 is a damn fine start to the year.

  606. Christmas in LA

    I’m not crying, you’re crying.

  607. Hate Inc. and the Serial Book

    Fiction via email can be a wondrous thing.

  608. You Need a Budget

    An app for tracking your finances that actually makes a difference.

  609. Switchin’ to Firefox

    Fighting against a Chromium-only world.

  610. Potential and Loss

    Some notes on Brexit.

  611. Searching the Creative Internet

    An exciting idea for a new type of search engine.

  612. On the web not of the web

    Andy Baio’s thoughts on Quora.

  613. Goodbye, EdgeHTML

    One browser to rule them all.

  614. Design Systems is Easy

    Hey. Maybe this job is just, like, super easy or whatever.

  615. The Victorian Internet

    How the telegraph changed the world.

  616. Front-end development is not a problem to be solved

    I think I finally figured out what upsets me when people talk about front-end development.

  617. Cool Gray City of Type

    Okay so I have an idea for a book.

  618. Why can’t we use functional and regular CSS at the same time?

    Surprise! I blogged about CSS again. Sorry.

  619. The Red Hand Files

    In his newsletter, Nick Cave writes about tragedy and wonder.

  620. Summerland

    Hannu Rajaniemi’s latest novel is really something special.

  621. What do you want to do when you grow up, kid?

    It’s an everlasting, punk-rock feeling that I hope will never really go away.

  622. And Introducing: The Kickstarter

    Jez just announced his Kickstarter campaign for his new book called And Introducing.

  623. Design Systems at Gusto: Part II

    “Design is not about learning to think outside the box, it’s about finding the right box to think inside of.”

  624. Areas of Concern

    Eric Meyer on what makes a good front-end developer.

  625. Nesting Classes in Sass

    Nesting classes in Sass is maybe not such a great idea. There, I said it!

  626. The 2nd Trip to Portland

    It’s just the right amount of time for you to admire the romance of flight and the wonder that is unaccosted flight through American airspace without coming to the conclusion that you’re stuck in a floating metal sky prison.

  627. A Rant after a Day

    You don’t have to put a dent in the universe. You can just be kind. And put things back where you found them. And make a few people laugh along the way.

  628. iA Writer

    My favorite writing app has just been updated.

  629. Songs for a Writer’s Cabin

    Pretty much everything I’ve ever published and every line of code I’ve ever written has been typed whilst listening to this playlist.

  630. Break the Browser

    In this game there a lot of rules.

  631. Saving Zelda

    “If a legendary quest has no substantial challenge, if it asks nothing of you except that you jump through the hoops it so carefully lays out for you, then the very legend is unworthy of being told, and retold.”

  632. Spelunky

    My favorite book from the Boss Fight Books collection so far.

  633. And Introducing

    Jez’s new project is going to be great so you ought to sign up for the newsletter immediately.

  634. The History of the Web

    This little newsletter reminds me that the web is an exciting, wondrous, unfinished place.

  635. 10,000 Original Copies

    “We’re taking the planks from masters, and building our own ships. We are making ships in our own image, in our own languages, in our own accents.”

  636. Growing Up Jobs

    “For him, I was a blot on a spectacular ascent, as our story did not fit with the narrative of greatness and virtue he might have wanted for himself.”

  637. My Increasing Wariness of Dogmatism

    Chris is smart and he writes smart things.

  638. The Late Muscle

    I need to try harder with this stuff. A lot harder.

  639. From San Francisco to Los Angeles

    You can see the climate crisis everywhere, in everything.

  640. The Vietnam War

    It asks that we look deep into the heart of this ugly moment in time, so that we may never make the same mistakes again.

  641. Networks of New York

    Thinking about the Internet can be frightening – what with its sheer vastness and globe-trotting scale – but it’s also a miracle.

  642. Jack and the Magic Key

    “This very special key opens a very special door...”

  643. The Ends of the World

    “Eventually humans will be living in a sustainable way.”

  644. An Archipelago Man

    Mitt Romney isn’t blue or red.

  645. I Don’t Believe in Full-Stack Engineering

    There, I said it.

  646. How Long Can Our Content Last?

    The honest answer? Probably not that long.

  647. Bourdain

    Not a chef, barely even a cook, but a damn fine writer.

  648. On Beauty

    Zadie Smith’s book, to me, is all about England.

  649. 11am

    A strange, even dangerous, relationship with alcohol.

  650. Gardens and Systems

    Please make me stop.

  651. AMPstinction

    A note on frameworks and AMP.

  652. Yay Computers

    A note from the CSS-Tricks newsletter.

  653. Good Writing and Analytics Don’t Mix

    I reckon analytics are bad for writers and here’s why.

  654. backdrop-filter

    A new CSS property that looks pretty handy.

  655. How to Take Criticism

    Design criticism from a different point of view.

  656. I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye

    “...he is a man of no mystery, overexposed...”

  657. To Oregon!

    Last week I went on a solo road trip and it was unforgettably beautiful.

  658. Leaving Facebook

    “Facebook turns a necessary labor of love into a profitable business.”

  659. Email is the Magic Key

    It’s a lovely, wondrous, and utterly frustrating thing.

  660. Seven Days in the Life of the Late, Great John McCain

    David Foster Wallace on the campaign trail.

  661. A City of Letters

    And a place you won’t ever want to leave.

  662. Jagannath

    Karin Tidbeck’s collection of stories is a haunting and eerie delight.

  663. The Three Body Problem

    Liu Cixin’s book all about contacting an alien civilization is outstanding and weird as all hell.

  664. Dictionary Stories

    It’s a lovely book, go read it.

  665. The Triumph Street Triple

    A new motorcycle, a new me.

  666. 10 Timeframes

    “I am going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.”

  667. Design Systems at Gusto

    Whether you’re just starting out building a complicated front-end, or if you’re getting ready to build a style guide at a large organization then hopefully you can learn from some of my mistakes.

  668. Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future

    “A lawless and mistrustful world where self-interest is the only principle and paranoia is the only source of safety is a not a paradise but a crypto-medieval hellhole.”

  669. Advice for a young systems designer

    There are no heroes or parades for you in this line of work.

  670. The Internet Got Shrinkwrapped

    “It’s over. The notion of having to do the heavy-lifting is gone. Everything is shrinkwrapped.”

  671. Tigerman

    A beautiful typeface, or a beautiful book, or a beautiful anything, isn’t a lucky accident. It’s the product of many hours, it’s the success of many days, and I like to keep that in mind whenever I find myself losing concentration.

  672. Spineless

    Jellyfish question everything that we know about life; how they move, how they see, how they eat, how they process information. Everything about them is alien and beyond comprehension and sci-fi as all hell.

  673. Isle of Dogs

    All of the parts fit; the graphic design was outstanding, the music was lovely. But most importantly, the characters all had motivations and narrative arcs and all the things that I crave from a film.

  674. The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling

    Last night I watched the new documentary about Garry Shandling by Judd Apatow and I hadn’t quite expected to fall in love with it as much as I did. Quite frankly, it swept me off my feet.

  675. The Missing Building Blocks of the Web

    “Old-timers might remember when Flash ruled the web, and people made simple games or interactive art pieces that would then get shared on blogs or other media sites. Except for the occasional SoundCloud song on someone’s Tumblr, it’s a grim landscape for anyone that can imagine a web where bits and pieces of different sites are combined together like Legos.”

  676. Demisemihemidemisemiquaver

    Words fail to do the sound justice.

  677. We Long to Move the Stars to Pity

    “...exaggerated speeches that concealed mediocre affections”

  678. Tahoe

    The lake was the darkest of greens.

  679. Stars and Gardens

    “The stars align in my garden.”

  680. Artful

    “Rhythm itself is a kind of form and, regardless of whether it's poetry or prose, it becomes a kind of dwelling place for us. ”

  681. What writers really do when they write

    “A guy (Stan) constructs a model railroad town in his basement. Stan acquires a small hobo, places him under a plastic railroad bridge, near that fake campfire, then notices he’s arranged his hobo into a certain posture – the hobo seems to be gazing back at the town. Why is he looking over there?”

  682. We can only chart what we can see

    “Is a word academic jargon? Is it the sort of thing you only see in a Pope or Blake poem? What about Doctor Who fanfic? Is this word a slur? Or is this word boring and everywhere, the Wonder Bread of words, remarkable only because it is wholly unremarkable?”

  683. Tools for Thinking and Tools for Systems

    ...our current tools encourage me to design the finished product first. They beg me to mess with rounded corners, colors, typefaces and stroke styles.

  684. Reading Design

    I’ve read this piece about design by Dean Allen multiple times and yet I can’t appear to shake it. Every time I read it I find something new that perfectly summarizes that moment in my career.

  685. How to Read the Internet

    A love letter to RSS the community and RSS the technology.

  686. Making the Music of the Mazg

    Robin Sloan on machine learning.

  687. Bond

  688. The Ledger

  689. Inconsistencies and productivity

    Talking with Jules about design systems and how to incentivize good systems work across an organization.

  690. Buttondown

    And the little email service that could.

  691. CSS is Awesome

    Despite how much you might want to control it, or bury the language in a mountainous rubble of JavaScript, the weirdness of the web will still be there, baked into the language itself. You can’t escape it.

  692. Art at Scale

    And the private emails of Alan Kay.

  693. On Track

    Beyond any work or any technical skills that I’d like to improve this coming year though, I’d like to focus on activism.

  694. Ubiquity and consistency

    A note from Jeremy Keith on under/over engineering.

  695. Who Goes Nazi?

    “Nazism has nothing to do with race and nationality. It appeals to a certain type of mind.”

  696. Now I Am Going to Write a Book

    “And for me, voice is the thing. In a novel, I will forgive any flaw, overlook any omission, if the voice on the page has that sizzling Tesla-coil energy.”

  697. Net Promoter Score Considered Harmful (and What UX Professionals Can Do About It)

  698. China’s Selfie Obsession

    “You don’t want to come face-to-face with your god, because it’s frightening to think that you might see a pimple on his chin.”

  699. Why Write Fiction in 2017?

    “I think of the angels of the Paradiso, who when asked by Dante for the secret of their happiness, say: ‘We long for what we have.’”

  700. Dora

    As she moves on from Gusto I’ll be sure to miss Dora dearly but if she has a motto that I can take to heart and apply to my work without her then it ought to be this: care for, and question, everything.

  701. Where the GOP’s Tax Extremism Comes From

    “Investments like these build a fair, thriving society…and I think it’s worth it.”

  702. The Elements of Eloquence

    “English teaching at school is unfortunately, obsessed with what a poet thought, as though that were of any interest to anyone.”

  703. A Responsive Spreadsheet

    A new post for CSS-Tricks all about making a CSS-only responsive spreadsheet UI.

  704. Setting a Typographic Scale with Sass Maps

    An old technique for setting type on the web.

  705. The Biodiversity Heritage Library

    Two million nature illustrations, now available from the BHL.

  706. How to be both

    “It is a feeling thing, to be a painter of things: cause every thing, even an imagined or gone thing or creature or person has essence: paint a rose or a coin or a duck or a brick and you’ll feel it as sure as if a coin had a mouth and told you what it was like to be a coin...”

  707. Find the Beginning

    “Tell me about a complicated man.”

  708. Feedback

    How do I become a great designer without becoming a giant asshole?

  709. Songs of San Francisco

    There was this sense of history or something, the way that one writer had been influenced by the other. It was funny because each of us came from halfway across the world to find ourselves in this little bar excitedly talking about bundles of paper and how we were all trying to do the same thing, really, even if our work was wildly different.

  710. Green to Me

    Helena Fitzgerald on the color green.

  711. Making the Clackity Noise

    To treat that “What’s Happening” input as a free and open text editor, to just pour all your energy into it, seems like a waste of time.

  712. Notes on Adventures

    If a single intelligible and kind word can be wrenched out of me as I write that particular week’s letter than that’s a good enough of an adventure for me.

  713. Books as Work

    We can’t afford to see books as art if we want to make a contribution, whatever size that might be, to the world of bookmaking. Rather, we must see books as work instead.

  714. Ways of Reading

    Mandy Brown on reading and writing.

  715. Sourdough

    Robin Sloan’s new book is a precious thing.

  716. The Fire Next Time

    Rambling notes on the collection of essays by James Baldwin

  717. The Lost Cause Rides Again

    “The symbols point to something Confederate’s creators don’t seem to understand—the war is over for them, not for us.”

  718. The Sutro Tower

    In my apartment I’ve positioned my desk by the window facing the tower towards the west. In fact I only picked this apartment because of the tower and how it looms above Twin Peaks right next door — as soon as I saw this place I knew that this is where I would write, by this very window. I knew that I would think of the city spinning as I write a million words over the years and that Tower would be my writing compatriot, my audience, and the stick that holds it all together.

  719. You Say Data, I Say System

    “Whenever you look at data — as a spreadsheet or database view or a visualization, you are looking at an artifact of such a system. What this diagram doesn’t capture is the immense branching of choice that happens at each step along the way”

  720. Cassandra Plays the Stock Market

  721. An Incomplete List of Mistakes

    What’s your favorite website? Which is the one above all the others that you think about from time to time?

  722. With New Browser Tech, Apple Preserves Privacy and Google Preserves Trackers

    “Ad quality needs to improve and advertisers must abandon any attempt to hijack our attention with disruptive audio, flashing animation, or screen takeovers. But this alone will not win back the trust of users alienated by an ad system run amok.”

  723. Berlin, indefinitely

    A train. A tunnel. Oakland.

  724. Between Trident Lakes and Technology Drive

    “In purpose-built data centers like Facebook’s, it’s for a general public that uses but maybe does not love Facebook. Facebook’s desire to be loved and trusted has always struck me as sort of overcompensating. ”

  725. Blüte, Gerüst

    ‘I gave a fifty minute concert in two halves. They poured me a drink in the middle. Dunya asked how I found them. I said I just walked past. She smiled and said, “That’s how I want it.”’

  726. How Google Book Search Got Lost

    “Engineering is great, but it’s not the answer to all problems. Sometimes you have to play politics, too — consult stakeholders, line up allies, compromise with rivals.”

  727. Drawing Words and Writing Pictures: An Appreciation of Maira Kalman

    Go take a look at your bookshelf: most books are seas of text without pictures. When a book does have imagery, they are marooned onto their own page, or the text tiptoes alongside the image, reticent and scared of contact. Even this little post is guilty. Images and text are frequently described as natural partners, but there is very little intimacy in how they are treated. Like an old married couple, they sleep in separate beds.

  728. Regarding Gnomon

    “I’m familiar with the re-write. This was more like starting a new book every four months or so. The number of plotlines and their interactions meant a kind of exponential multiplication of possibility. I’d made a maze in my own mind and I kept getting lost in it. The book was smarter than I was.”

  729. Letter from a Drowned Canyon

    Rebecca Solnit on the difference between conversationists and environmentalists.

  730. Mighty Fine Content that I am Consuming Online™

    I’ve been reading a lot of great things on the web lately and just wanted to quickly jot everything down as best I could. I hope you enjoy reading this lot as much as I did.

  731. How to ride a motorcycle in California

    Considering I’m from the UK there were a few peculiar obstacles I had to circumnavigate before I could get back to riding a motorcycle, hence I thought it might be helpful for others if I jotted that whole process down. At the beginning it was pretty complicated and strange because I simply couldn’t find any info out there for me. So hopefully this guide is of use to you, fellow motorcycle enthusiast.

  732. The CSS-Tricks Newsletter

    We try pretty hard to make sure there’s something interesting going on and even though we talk about the latest news we hope to deliver something more than just a bundle of links each week. There are stories about how the team has messed up and what we’re working on next.

  733. In Praise of Green Light

    I think about pain by separating it into two categories; High and Low.

  734. Flee typing there’s a form of escape that doesn’t require me to leave.

  735. Blogging and Atrophy

    How do I see my website? Well, it’s complicated.

  736. Gimlet

    I’ve been a big fan of David Jonathan Ross’ Gimlet for the past couple of months and from time to time I find myself picking a character at random and poking at it. Look at that capital Q! Or the & symbol! Gimlet tempts us to sit back and zoom in, with each and every character begging to be used in large sizes.

  737. Strawberries and Cheese

    The scene opens onto a gloriously dark and grimy café where my father and I have taken refuge from the storm that hovers above; clouds snap and crackle, a gale shudders along the windows whilst trees distort themselves into torturous yoga poses across the street. Inside the café, we’re welcomed with bad coffee and sweaty toast in what must be the guiltiest of Great British pleasures.

  738. The Fire in the Smoke

    And my greatest failure as a designer.

  739. One Thousand Days in America

    I’m moving to San Francisco. After months of waiting, hoping, with fingers-crossed, the stars in the constellation of American bureaucracy aligned themselves this morning as I stood in the queue at the u.s. Embassy in London. But there was no certificate or handshake once my visa was approved, there were no balloons, and there was certainly not any triumphant, patriotic music to celebrate the affair.

  740. Nothing is where you think it is

    On maps and England.

  741. What would happen if we just gave people money?

    From Switzerland to the Netherlands to Kenya to Silicon Valley, a mixture of insecurity and curiosity are driving interest in basic income, but its dominant ideology — and appeal — is utopian. The core existential struggle lurking in the debates over basic income centers on what meaning work holds in our lives. Straub, the Swiss referendum organizer, remembers his great-grandfather working 10 hours per day, six days per week. That kind of toil is no longer necessary, nor desirable. The dream of a world where we produce more than we need has come true.

  742. I, Website

  743. Now Available for Freelance Work

    Hire me!

  744. Learning in public

    We start off knowing a lot about a little and gradually, as we shake ourselves through the world we begin to make all these connections; we find resources, we find other people and most importantly we learn about how little we knew when we started.

  745. In Defense of Webfonts

    A web font, just like any other visual stimulus, has work to accomplish and it has a value and a position in the designer’s toolkit which is one of the most effective ways to display the intent of the text. Perhaps we need to spend more time thinking about web fonts as web designers, we need to think about their goals, about their shortcomings.

  746. The Outpost

    A new project for the XOXO folks.

  747. object-fit and object-position

    A quick write up of my favourite CSS properties.

  748. On File Formats, Very Briefly

    Paul Ford describes the early days of the web...

  749. Cushion

    For the last year I’ve been trying to get my freelance business off the ground and thanks to Cushion it’s been an awful lot less stressful and terrifying than it might have been otherwise.

  750. Putting thought into things

    Listening is a masochist endeavor. To do it right you have to put everything down. Not just your phone, even pen and paper. There is nothing to hold on to when you just listen. You have to use your full attention, registering everything that you see and hear. You have to slow down your self-perception and focus on the outside, on what you do not understand. Compared to how we usually operate, listening means focusing on pain, diving into boredom. In order to see the other in slow motion, you need to stop the camera of self-perception that makes you the star, and speed up the camera that records the outside.

  751. Longform

    I’ve been listening to the interviews on Longform over the past week—in between cleaning, working, heading to the gym—and they’ve been so consistently insightful. Here are my favourites so far...

  752. A New Responsive Font Format for the Web

    I think there’s huge potential for a new variable font format to become a key part of the designer’s tool belt. It would greatly improve the reading experience of general users of the web, too. But that doesn’t mean we can ignore the many problems and hurdles that we have to overcome to get a draft spec agreed upon.

  753. Ed Snowden Taught Me To Smuggle Secrets Past Incredible Danger. Now I Teach You.

    Micah Lee on his work regarding the Snowden revelations.

  754. Loading fonts with the Web Font Loader

    Several years ago the consensus on font loading in the community was that, as a website loads, all fonts should be hidden until the correct resources have been downloaded. Many designers and developers argued that the default font loading method called the “Flash of Unstyled Text”, or FOUT, was an annoyance to users. This is when the fallback web font, say Georgia, is shown on screen first then replaced by a custom font when it loaded. They argued that it would make for a more cohesive browsing experience if users simply waited for everything to download instead of experiencing this flash from one typeface to another.

  755. Ampersand 2015

    This year’s Ampersand was a perfect cavalcade of typographic misadventures which has left me buzzing with ideas.

  756. A pointable we

    All I know is the more I read digitally, the more this feeling — the strange joy of adding to the corpus6 and seeing where it takes us — grows inside me, and I can't be the only one to feel this. Adding to the corpus — making things pointable — has become habitual, and aspects of it are becoming more and more passive. These habits and expectations aren't going anywhere.

  757. Big data, no thanks

    And the machine that can hold you.

  758. Six

    It serves me well by reminding me that mass anything is political. If one person is hungry, who knows, but if 50,000 people are hungry, what’s happening is necessarily a question of policy, of how we live together, of “who gets what, when, how”.

  759. On Writing Well

    And learning how to delete.

  760. A Book of Sand

    A love story by Borges about books.

  761. Food and Sleep

    When an alcoholic describes their inexorable lust I realise it's precisely how I would describe my relationship with Food.

  762. Viewsources podcast

    I was on a podcast.

  763. XOXO 2015

    It’s the final day of XOXO and I’m sat under a canopy watching the prolonged withdrawal of a beautiful evening — shadows flitter their way across skin left bare by shorts and dresses as everyone has now gathered outside after the talks. They slowly form clusters and talk giddily amongst friends at the open bar. Others can be found on the outer rim of the grounds, huddling around the embers of a little fire whilst the food trucks nearby begin to hunker down, ready for a night of well-earned slumber.

  764. Making charts with CSS

    Over on CSS-Tricks I take a look at a few interesting ways to make bar charts, sparklines and pie charts without resorting to a JavaScript framework.

  765. Flotsam, Jetsam, Lagan & Derelict

    A now defunct newsletter that shortly became Adventures in Typography.

  766. With teeth of metal and glass

    My excitement for a holiday to NYC was of paramount importance then: as someone that comes from a rural area, would I enjoy it? Would I want to emigrate to New York? What would my girlfriend and I find there? Would she move in with me once we came back or would we just throw caution to the wind and move to America and work together?

  767. Chaining blend-modes

    I’ve been obsessed with blend modes over the past couple of weeks.

  768. Week notes #12

    Working on a project with a styleguide for the first time is encouraging me to document my code a lot more than I usually do. It’s also surprising to reveal how little I truly understand about the complexities of CSS and writing code for other developers to work with.

  769. Week notes #11

    mix-blend-mode, working with the team at Kind and a new 4K screen

  770. Week notes #10

    This week I was recovering from a fever/cold/nightmare illness that left me with an awful lot of email and unfinished tasks ready for next week so unfortunately nothing much happened of note.

  771. Week notes #9

    The reason why a styleguide is an invaluable asset is that it immediately sets up the team’s expectations. The designer must make compromises for the sake of normalising the system programmatically whilst developers are forced to acknowledge that their shitty code just won’t cut it anymore. They have to think beyond whacky hacks and short-term tricks.

  772. Week notes #8

    What is it about these letters that overpowers my senses, that makes me stare at each of them longingly? Is it in the flick of the lowercase ‘e’? Or perhaps I’m drawn to the restraint of the design or to the barely perceptible quirks that appear like hushed giggles on the screen. But then why are these large apertures, with their inscriptional characteristics, so attractive to me?

  773. Week notes #7

    You have to draw a line at one point or another around your audience and their technical prowess. Do you have to explain how inline images work? Or the peculiarities of the DOM? Where do you begin?

  774. Week notes #6

    This week I’ve been messing around with a few side projects after a month of heavy freelance work and subsequently I’ve been trying to play catch up with the backlog of articles, talks and posts about front-end development that I’ve let slip by.

  775. You

    Within the code of the game itself lies a world-ending glitch that drives the design team to the brink of insanity; our protagonist must find the glitch before the game ships and save their creation from the quirks and eccentricities of the designer that came before them. It’s a video game murder mystery!

  776. Week notes #5

    I shouldn’t feel exhausted all the time and I shouldn’t feel as if, to impress one person, I have to let another down — this small-stakes emotional Ponzi scheme has to end one way or another.

  777. Week Notes #4

    “Typography hits us on two different levels: by the look of it, telling us if this is something we may like or should be interested in, and by the necessity to read it. If we have to read this time table, contract or assembling instruction we will do so regardless of its looks.”

  778. Week notes #3

    “This was not a day of success, it was the success of many days, the pay-off of effort.”

  779. Week notes #2

    On the train out of Devon the carriages are crowded, yet as you watch the countryside pass you by you’ll get the distinct impression of warming your toes in a bath. Foliage and hills glide past the window as if you were being swept across the country in a hot tub that was attached to a magic carpet, but travelling back towards Plymouth the carriages will spew their insides; these journeys are always dark, they are always cold and they are always very lonely.

  780. Week notes #1

    This is the beginning of a new side project in which every Friday evening I’ll write for thirty minutes about what I’ve been working on over the past seven days. For a while I’ve been stashing these notes in private but I’ve finally decided to start publishing them because I want to recognise what I’ve accomplished, what I’ve screwed up and what I can do better come Monday morning.

  781. The Glut is Good

    “A common refrain in this new age of self-publishing is that there are too many books. The outflow of new material has been likened to all sorts of natural disasters spewing forth and flooding the land.”

  782. The Ground Beneath Her Feet

    Salman Rushdie’s musical opus, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, is one of a few select books that I want to slip into my friends’ backpacks, or hide in their bookshelf, or scatter copies under their beds until they must eventually concede.

  783. Welcome to the club

    Make a note of your favourite writers. Now, read their first names aloud.

  784. Tourist

    For a while now I’ve been toying with a story. It’s a quick thought that stretched into an idea which might, maybe, perhaps, possibly turn into a BIG thing. This idea isn’t so much an elaborate story with an intricate, winding plot – nor is it a sequential tale with a standard beginning, middle and end. Instead this idea is simply a person I made up.

  785. A crowd of sorrows

    “Do you mind if I tell you, while I have your ear? All of this, the funeral, the family, the sudden reminder that life ends, it makes me realize how ignorant I am. I'm so sure I'm clever and sophisticated, a smug little agnostic, but put me face forward with death, and I don't know my right from my north...”

  786. The Great Unbundling

    Somehow I’ve found myself in a room bustling with all the languages of Europe—they’re mixing out in the dusty air around me; Dutch and German, Greek and French, others are arguing in Romanian (or perhaps Italian) whilst they nudge past their elderly counterparts, tourists speaking English. Although they all share their incompatible language with a neighbour, everyone around me can somehow communicate quite easily.

  787. The great future of video games

    “In 2006, I was drawn back into video games when Nintendo introduced a new system with intuitive motion controls and a quirky name, Wii. Nintendo projected the message that this new console was for everyone. Commercials featuring the tagline “Wii would like to play” showed families and friends of all ages.”

  788. Medieval desktops

    “...there are very few medieval scenes in which someone is reading but not writing – where books are present but pens are not. In part, this has to do with medieval study practices. Readers would usually have a pen nearby even when they were just reading. After all, remarks and critiques needed to be added to the margin at the spur of the moment.”

  789. An interview with Italo Calvino

    “Writers do not necessarily cherish their translators, and I occasionally had the feeling that Calvino would have preferred to translate his books himself...”

  790. Elon Musk interview on Mars colonisation

    “ might begin to long for its mountains and rivers, its flowers and trees, the astonishing array of life forms that roam its rainforests and seas. You might see a network of light sparkling on its dark side, and realise that its nodes were cities, where millions of lives are coming into collision.”

  791. Writing is thinking

    “If you’re not sure how to finish a sentence, abandon it halfway through. If you want to write extensively about one particular idea but your mind’s moving too quickly to flesh it all out, paraphrase for now and move on to the next big point.”

  792. Trouble at the Koolaid Point

    “It begins with simple threats. You know, rape, dismemberment, the usual. It’s a good place to start, those threats, because you might simply vanish once those threats include your family.”

  793. Scrambled eggs and serifs

    “Years ago, I asked one of my mentors what he thought was the hardest part of designing a typeface. I was expecting “the cap S” or “the italic lowercase” or something like that. But he answered without hesitation: the name.”

  794. Here comes everybody

    “Television has millions of inbound arrows—viewers watching the screen—and no outbound arrows at all. You can see Oprah; Oprah can’t see you. On the Web, by contrast, the arrows of attention are all potentially reciprocal; anyone can point to anyone else, regardless of geography, infrastructure, or other limits.”

  795. What we talk about when we talk about what we talk about when we talk about making

    “The boundaries can be drawn wider or narrower, and with more or less care. But the starting points of those boundaries are necessarily accidents of history, and history is pretty messed up.”

  796. What we see when we read

    Unlike the title suggests however, the book is not in any way didactic or scientific, instead it overflows with questions and ideas, each illustrated in a way that lets the reader hover over the pages with glee. I’d rather not spoil the fun, since his book is endlessly quotable in every which way...

  797. Resources for learning how to JavaScript

    In recent weeks I’ve been trying to improve my fledging JavaScript skills, which have always bothered me. Sure, for the longest time I’ve been able to hack away in order to get something to work in the browser but parsing all the quirks and eccentricities of the DOM felt entirely beyond me.

  798. Practical typography

    Finishing a book in this environment feels so much more of an accomplishment than wrapping up a physical book, although it made for interesting reading because it was not written for upcoming graphic designers or art students (like the majority of typographic resources out there), instead this book’s aim had been calibrated specifically towards writers.

  799. You’re not welcome here

    But that’s the thing about travelling – in these foreign places you have to make yourself welcome. You have to slide through the airport and navigate bus timetables and crazy southern dialects as if you have all the papers at the ready.

  800. Interface Writing

    Nicole Fenton has posted her notes of an excellent talk she gave on how to improve copywriting for interfaces. Sadly though I often tend to neglect lots of this advice...

  801. Bird by Bird

    Over the weekend I read this great collection of advice for writers by Anne Lammot called Bird by Bird. The goal of this short little book is to help young writers learn more about the design and publication of fiction but, aside from the self-help format, what really caught my attention is this extract about encouraging other writers to join a community of like-minded folks.

  802. Gardens, not graves

    “...for years, we’ve neglected the disciplines of stewardship—the invisible and unglamorous work of collecting, restoring, safekeeping, and preservation. Maybe the answer isn’t to post more, to add more and more streams. Let’s return to our existing content and make it more durable and useful.”

  803. A rendezvous of secrets

    Reading is designed to alleviate our curiosity. We all want to know what’s in our neighbors’ pockets, how they style their hair, how much time they spent on the rusty machine in their garage, or how long and serious their last relationship was. So once in a while, if we're lucky, a good novel might begin to soothe our penchant for mischief.

  804. Act in earnest

    Whilst you’re writing it’s entirely possible to throw everything away and start again if you don’t like how things are working out. If the tone is too harsh or your voice is too light, a quick adjustment can tighten the bolts. Likewise most of those cheesy phrases or clichés are likely to be cast off during the review process whilst, for those awkward rhymes and alliterative phrases that pass you by without notice, a friendly editor is often there to help tidy your thoughts.

  805. Chloe

    I wanted to impress Chloe because thinking that she might be on the other end of a long series of tubes and wires acknowledging my work and pointing me in the right direction, that’s nothing short of inspiring. Her presence encouraged me to write more eloquently, to sharpen my focus, and to try to return the favour.

  806. Goodbye Erskine

    Today I leave Erskine – this small band of designers and developers pushed my latent skills in writing, programming and design but they also challenged my tendencies to avoid humiliation at all costs.

  807. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis

    “Michel Butor says that to travel is to write, because to travel is to read. This can be developed further: To write is to travel, to write is to read, to read is to write, and to read is to travel. But George Steiner says that to translate is also to read, and to translate is to write, as to write is to translate and to read is to translate...”

  808. Do justice and let the skies fall

    For the longest time I’ve taken the sidelines in most arguments, both online and in daily conversations with strangers. I believed that trying to correct the facts or convince people of my own argument was futile and, in some ways, kind of self righteous. It wasn’t a case of being quietly smug though, I just thought: who needs to hear another white guy shout about civil rights or oppression, institutionalised sexism or the freakishly calm barbarity of a racist slur?

  809. Letters to a Young Contrarian

    “Every day, the New York Times carries a motto in a box on its front page. “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” it says. It’s been saying it for decades, day in and day out.”

  810. Madness, Rack, and Honey

    Madness, Rack and Honey is a collection of lectures by the poet Mary Ruefle in which she contemplates the various struggles surrounding her art, and gosh darn it if this book isn’t *endlessly* quotable.

  811. Death by Black Hole

    Lately I’ve finished reading a fabulous string of novels but it’s made me feel guilty about ignoring more science-oriented and fact-driven prose. Thanks to this guilt my first tentative steps into the field of physics is a book by Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  812. Future of Web Design 2014

    Earlier this week I headed off to the Future of Web Design conference in London to give a talk about systems, language and maintainable interface design which was adapted from an essay I wrote back in December called A Visual Lexicon. Overall it was a fantastic event with some wonderful talks about JavaScript performance, non-linear storytelling, masking shapes in CSS and so much more. It was certainly a diverse string of interesting talks.

  813. Deep breaths in St Paul’s cathedral

    The weeks leading up to a speaking event my nerves will inevitably begin to shake; I bite my lip uncontrollably, my mood swings from ecstatic to horrified and back again, whilst sleep becomes entirely out of the question. Soothing these nerves just before I step onto the stage and find these strangers staring back at me is difficult work.

  814. Dust jackets and snark

    The book jackets flipped by, one after another, up on the projector in front of us. Pitch-perfect typographic settings and allusions to other graphic material presented themselves and struck the balance between describing the story of their contents whilst experimenting and drawing something new to the table.

  815. Setting type with Sass maps

    Last week I wrote about a new method for setting type by using Sass maps. In summary I argued that font-size and line-height settings can be tied to specific fonts for ease of use when writing a lot of code.

  816. Our favourite typefaces of 2013

    Typographica has published their favourite typefaces from the past year and so I’ll be spending the next couple of days carefully bookmarking and reading each of them in turn. In his now familiar and charming way Stephen summarises the collection:

  817. Inside Paragraphs

    “Gutenberg considered the counter space, letter space, and line space. Every paragraph, whether written or printed, has these white spaces in it. But they don’t have to be thought of in isolation...”

  818. The Library at Night

    “We dream of a library of literature created by everyone and belonging to no one, a library that is immortal and will mysteriously lend order to the universe, and yet we know that every orderly choice, every catalogued realm of the imagination, sets up a tyrannical exclusion.”

  819. The Solid Form of Language

    ... a script occasionally proves to be more like a brand, or indeed like a prison tattoo, re-engraved on the brain with every letter written and every letter read.

  820. Quickness and Detours

    In Six Memos for the Next Millennium Italo Calvino outlines all of the attributes and properties of great writing that he believed ought to thrive into the distant future of literature.

  821. The Bug

    Trying to keep the number of book recommendations to a minimum is difficult when I keep stumbling over novels by Ellen Ullman. This time it’s The Bug, a story about programming, information theory and obsession.

  822. Empty Libraries

    In moving to the next generation of consoles I’ve found that it’s somehow managed to fill me with a deep and bitter sadness. This is mostly thanks to the ‘Library’ menu which is hidden amongst the rest of the interface of the Playstation 4, yet it’s not the questionable typography or arrangement of its icon that bothers me about this feature though

  823. The first floor

    I can’t stop thinking about this story from the latest issue of Codex magazine where an upcoming designer visits Herb Lubalin’s studio and began to wonder at all the facets and inner-workings of this celebrated graphic design agency in New York.

  824. Twelve months

    This time last year I was a pup. I had never used Sass before, I didn’t know what the shell was and the DOM was a ghostly, nightmarish thing that infiltrated my dreams.

  825. Scrolljacking

    These pages that hijack the scroll might look like slides from shiny keynote presentations but as websites they are the usability equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.

  826. The daydreams of a book designer

    She spent her days ordering circles, squares and rectangles of color on a page. In her dreams however, in that alternate universe where she might become anything else at a moment’s notice, she believed that similar operations could be performed on breathing, heart-beating patients.

  827. Purdy

    Whenever I watch a movie or a tv show set in the past I like to wonder how the same event might take place but under more technically advanced circumstances.

  828. Notes on public speaking

    Here are some quick fire notes I’ve been making over and over again at speaking events and larger conferences. This isn’t a ‘I know better than you’ post – it’s simply a reminder for whenever I do my own talks.

  829. Intrinsic Ratios and SVGs

    This week I came across an interesting design problem: how do you make an <abbr title="Scalable vector graphics">SVG</abbr> that’s being used as a background-image respond to the width of its container, yet also scale its height depending on the child elements within?

  830. dConstruct

    From cyborgs and toasters with personalities to community infrastructure and feeling the deep, moaning rumbles of an organ's infrasound – the talks were a delicate sequence of heart wrenching delight, mechanical whimsy and straight up nerd love.

  831. Front-end Maintenance and the Ladder of Abstraction

    This is a summary of my talk from our first Erskine Breakfast, a new kind of event where we invite two speakers round for a quick chat about web design and development. This week we discussed modularity, both in terms of designing components instead of pages and the best practices behind creating front-end interfaces.

  832. The Comforts of the Siren

    During my holiday I went back to the town I grew up in and listened to the sirens from the Blitz that are still operational and are tested once a week.

  833. Quarks, Atoms and Molecules

    I wanted to write a little bit about a new process I’ve been working on for developing sites and maintaining large Sass projects, but first I think it’s worth taking a look at how it all came together.

  834. Mistaking the tool for the practice

    Lately I’ve been thinking about how we obsess over our tools instead of the general principles they’re built on top of. We pay for these things, we retweet posts about them, but most importantly we idolise them and I think this might hurt us all in the long run.

  835. The Float

    As a kid I ignored all of the computers around me, and opportunity after opportunity slipped by where I could have learned more about them. Yet most of my favourite things from my childhood came through those screens, were generated behind that imposing curtain of beige plastic.

  836. Counterpunch

    A small review of Fred Smeijers’ typographic classic on the mostly forgotten and covert practice of punching typefaces. Due to the lack of primary sources he’s forced to take up the old tools and theorise as to how these craftsman performed their work.

  837. Between Shelves

    After a few months of using Readmill as my primary go-to reading app, I wanted to break down all the reasons why this startup is nailing it in this often miserable and overcrowded space.

  838. The Dream Sponge

    A short story of a room I loved as a kid; learning how to communicate and realising that I was going to spend my life in a perpetual state of overactive dream-sharing.

  839. Modern Typography

    How much can web designers learn from the recorded history of old, underground print shops and forgotten typographers? A review of Robin Kinross’ delightful book about the history of typographic practice.

  840. Setting up a default type stylesheet

    If we’re serious about designing progressively enhanced then we need to start designing websites without assumptions, starting with the overused argument that we should be thinking type-first.