Syntax × Sentry

Well, this sure is exciting: Syntax, the web dev podcast by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, is joining the team at Sentry. Over on the Sentry blog, Cramer wrote about why this makes a bunch of sense and how Syntax will grow in the future:

Many of us reminisce about the glory days of web forums and personal blogs that looked like your cool neighborhood dive bar instead of the bland, cookie-cutter chain restaurant that has inevitably emerged. For me, Syntax is a reminder of that beloved neighborhood institution with true character and is one that we want to continue building upon.

Usually when I hear these kinds of announcements my heart sinks, and I foresee giant banner ads and the whatever-the-product-is get worse over time. But when I heard about this one I knew it was right; sure, I’m biased since I work at Sentry but everyone here cares deeply about the web development community and making punk rock stuff. It’s gonna be a great fit.

It’s also worth listening to the latest episode of the podcast where Scott and Wes talk about why this is a big deal and how Syntax is only going to get better.